Kim Fah's countdown

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Tuesday, December 16, 2008

*~* The Day The Earth Stood Still *~*

*~* On 16th December 2008, I have watched a movie called 'The Day The Earth Stood Still' at GSC Cinema, 1 Utama with my friends. *~*

*~* After watched this movie, I would rate this new pass at “The Day the Earth Stood Still” fairly high; ; not only because the film endeavors to “reimagine” the 1951 Robert Wise classic, but because it dares to drag perfection in the opposite direction. *~*

*~* Below is the synopsis of this nice movie--> *~*

Keanu Reeves portrays Klaatu, an alien whose arrival on our planet (the Earth) triggers a global upheaval. As governments and scientists ( led by Kathy Bates ) race to unravel the mystery behind the visitor's appearance, a woman (Jennifer Connelly) and her young stepson (Jaden Smith, son of Will Smith) get caught up in his mission and come to understand the ramifications of his being a self-described 'friend to the Earth.

*~* At last, I'm strongly recommend you all to watch this movie . It's really GREAT!!! *~*

Sunday, December 14, 2008

*~* Christmas in Year 2008 *~*

*~* 今年的圣诞节,我去了不同的地方观赏不同的圣诞树和气氛。 *~*

*~* 我还拍了一些照照留为纪念哦! *~*

<<--The Curve-->>

<<--Ikano Power Centre-->>

<<--Mid Valley Megamall-->>

<<--The Gardens-->>

<<--Berjaya Time Square-->>

*~* If want to see more photos regarding this title, you can have a look through my

facebook ( or

friendster ( *~*

*~* Have a nice day.^^ *~*

Friday, December 5, 2008

*~*我最爱的甜甜圈-Big Apple Donuts & Coffee*~*

*~*今天心血来潮想吃Big Apple Donuts & Coffee里面的甜甜圈,因为已经有很久没吃了.*~*

*~*原本我打算在我Industrial Training下班后才去Mid Valley买的,哪里知道我朋友说要去Sungei Wang那儿走走,所以我就改变注意去Low Yat Plaza那里买甜甜圈咯!*~*




(左上起: Merry Cherry, Dancing Queen, Hawaii Five-O)
(左下起: White Forest, Hawaii Five-O, 忘了叫什么名)

##这是十二月份加入Big Apple Donuts大家族的甜甜圈们啦!有Marble Duke, Hawaii Five-O, Dancing Queen, White Forest和Merry Cherry.##

*~*这次我只是买到四种新口味的甜甜圈,还欠Marble Duke没有买到哦!真的是很伤心,wuwu..:( 下次我一定会买到的!^^*~*

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

*~* 我第一次在家做面膜 *~*

*~* Activa的Condolisa DNA Ion Mask是我第一张在家做的面膜. *~*

*~* 为什么我说是第一次在家做面膜呢? *~*

*~* 原因我平时都是在美容院做facial的哦! 从来都没有在家自己做哦! 嘻嘻! *~*

^^ 这是Condolisa DNA Ion Mask的说明书. ^^

^^ 这是Condolisa DNA Ion Mask咯! ^^

Welcome note

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*~*忙碌的星期三-Part II*~*

*~* 今天不只是买了护肤产品和衣服, 我们也有去Time Square的'欢喜地'享用美食哦! (haiz..我也不懂这餐是不是美食,虽然样子看起来是很好吃, 怎知道吃了我叫的食物后,觉得非常难吃哦!) 嘻嘻!:P *~*

^^ 这是我们全部人的'美味'食物^^

^^ 这是我所谓'很难吃'的拉面. 它的外表是不是很好看呢? 你们千万别被它骗到哦! 哈哈! ^^

^^ 这是我朋友Sok Ang的美食. 这蛮好吃哦! ^^

^^ 这是Sherry Moke的美食. 好吃! ^^

*~* Haiz...为何他们的食物都那么好吃? 我的就.......................!!! :( *~*


*~*忙碌的星期三-Part I*~*

*~* 今天早上7.45am,我就从温暖的被窝里爬起来了.*~*

*~* 今天有很多任务要做哦!*~*

首先,我要去Pudu Bus Station帮我老妈买去Johor和我老公回UUM大学的巴士票.

^^ 这就是我老妈要去Johor参加我舅舅孩子(也就是我的小表弟)满月party的巴士票. 总共有五张成人票和一张小孩票哦! 我老妈会跟我阿姨一起去Johor哦!^^

^^这就是我老公回UUM大学的巴士票哦! 这巴士费比以前贵了很多耶!^^

*~* 买了巴士票后, 我当然是快快乐乐地跟朋友走街lo. 我的朋友说要去Time Square和Sungei Wang买新年衣,所以我就跟他们一起去lo. *~*

*~* 其实, 我注重的不是买新年衣, 而是去Sungei Wang的SASA专卖店买一些护肤产品.但在受不了诱惑的情况下,我还是买了三件衣服哦!哈哈!:P *~ *

^^ skinlite暗疮除印修护贴 ^^


^^ 多类面膜^^

*~* 上面的多类面膜不是我想要买的面膜,这全都是售货员介绍的. 我想要买的面膜没有在这间店售卖,真的是很失望哦! wuwu...:( *~*

^^ 这是我要买的面膜哦! catena 细胞修复去印面膜^^

*~* 继续........*~*